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Catching Star

Posted by Creating Class 2005 | Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2008 | Posted in ,

In the afternoon, I walk alone on the lakeside where my dearest friend and I used to spend our time together to enjoy a very natural view there. I sit on the big stone which we used to sit on together to see the scenery, feed the starving fishes in the lake, and sharing our life either happy or sad.

I remember we were ten years old at that time that I consider it was beautiful childhood with my dearest friend, Anna.

Anna was a cheerful little girl; she has a sharp well formed nose, slant-eyed like crescent moon, and dimples in her cheek making everyone looking at her admired her at the first sight.

I was amazed at her beauty that I think it was a very perfect beauty like a fairy in the world; there is no girl as beautiful as her whom I ever meet in my life. Her curly long hair is nicely waved when the wind blow touching it like the waves on the sea. Anna and I were close friend, we used to go to lake, we called it the dream lake, in the afternoon after school until night came. We spent our time together for freeing our feeling.

We used to sit on a big stone beside the lake and look at the twinkle stars which we pretended to own them. The one bright green star was mine and the one bright red star war hers, each has her own star to be catched, held and put it in our life. The stars were our life, they were our hopes.

I still really remember when we looked at stars; Anna told me a story about a beautiful fairy bringing starlight everywhere she goes.

“Guess what?” she said.

“What?” I asked.

“Thing that I am thinking about”, she answered.

I thought for a moment and tried to guess what she was thinking about in mind, I thought she was feeling happy because of getting “A” for math but I guessed it was not the answer because by observing her face, she looked unusual with her calm face. She still waited for my answer, her face seemed saying to me that you did not know the answer so, let me tell you the answer. Finally, I gave up for guessing it and let her tell it.

“I think I do not know what you are thinking about” I said.
“Are you sure that you do not want to try to guess the answer?” she asked.

“No, I give up” I answered surely.

“Look at my bright red star” she pointed the star and began to tell about what she was thinking.

“There was a beautiful fairy wearing white dress and having wings on her shoulders in the sky. She lived everywhere, in the moon, in the planets, in the heaven even in the stars but I believe she live here in my heart too, she also lived in your heart, in our heart, for she always brings her starlight like us.”

I did not understand what she meant; I wonder who the fairy was that she trusted living everywhere even in our heart too. I tried to interpret it but I cannot.

“Do you know what her name is, Angie?” she asked.

I was confused why she asked it to me; I believed she really knew that I surely did not know what the fairy’s name is. It seemed that she wanted me to interpret it.

“No, of course I do not know, Anna.” I answered.

“Hope, her name is hope, Angie.” She told me.

It seemed that she gave clue to me for guessing what she was thinking about related to the story. She still wanted me to interpret it but I was still bewildered of it. I thought she really knew it and started to continue her story with its explanation about it.

“Hope always goes everywhere every where bringing the starlight which she took from her bright star, she has ever been here and lived in our heart. Before she goes to other places, she gives us the starlight living forever in our heart. Therefore, you must hold and save it because if not you would hurt her and your self.” She said.

I still did not understand what she meant; I thought it was an implicit message that she wanted to convey to me but I did not get it yet, probably, one day I will understand the meaning of her story. Moreover, I felt something different at that time; the day was different with the days that we have passed together by sharing our life story but the day when she told about the story of hope seemed that we would be separated.

Next day, Anna disappeared, she did not come to school and there is no any message giving information what happen with her. Therefore, I had initiative to visit her house for getting information about her after school. There was no one in her house; it was strange that she disappeared with her family. I looked for information until night but I still did not get it. I was afraid that last night became our last meeting.

Seven years passed after the disappearance of my dearest friend, Anna. I could not forget our last meeting when she told me about Hope; I thought she wanted me to keep hope in my life. I always tried to interpret what she meant by telling the story about the beautiful fairy always bringing starlight named Hope.

On day in the morning, there were people claiming that they were Anna’s family and they wanted to meet me and asked me to go along with them for meeting Anna. My parents allowed me to go with them because they knew that I really missed my dearest little friend, Anna,
On the way, I was confused what was happened with Anna, there was nothing that I could do but expecting she would be fine.

The car stopped in front of e hospital. The people bringing me to meet Anna did not let me ask something, they only wanted me to follow them without saying anything; we entered the hospital and passed room by room until we stopped in the front of the room 202. My heart pounded for entering the room, I hoped Anna would be fine; God please let me meet my dearest friend with her good condition. I entered the room with a pounding heart; I did not what would happen.

I was shocked looking Anna lying on the bed weakly with infusion. I could not restrain my tears flowing from my eyes down my cheek, I was very sad looking her in this condition after long time we did not meet.

Her family started to tell me about what happened with her. The last seven years, the next day after our last meeting, Anna was not strong enough to endure her illness, leukemia; her parents took her to hospital. Anna asked her parents to keep her illness secret for me because she did not want me to be sad. She had fought against her illness for long time because she had hope that she would be recovered from her illness. In fact, there was no hope for her. The doctor could not cure her illness.

Anna opened her eyes; I wiped away my tears and approached her. She looked happy to see me after long time we were separated; it was our first meeting again. She smiled and apologized to me for leaving me without giving information. I forgave and asked her to be strong.

“Do you still remember about Hope, Anna?” I asked.
She just nodded her head without saying anything.
“I had kept Hope in my heart for you believing that I can see you again after you left me, Anna. Now it comes true, I can see you and hold your hand again. Hope brings me to you so you must keep Hope too for your life, we will sit on the big stone beside our dream lake to see our stars again.” I gave spirit to her.

“Yes, Angie, I always keep Hope and bring her starlight in my heart, therefore I believe I will be recovered from my illness but I think my life is not long enough again, forgive me Angie, I could not be strong enough for restraining all; I am tired and want to take a rest; can you do something for me, Angie?” she asked me.

“Yes, yes of course, Anna, I will do everything for you if it can make you happy and forget you illness.” I answered.
“If I die, please keep my hope and catch my bright red star because every time we looked at our stars in our dream lake, I wanted to catch it and give it to you to make you happy. I asked you do not cry and keep my star, the stars were our life and they were our hopes.” She begged me.

That was my last meeting with my dearest friend before she died. Now, I am alone here in our dream lake looking at the stars but I believe she still here with me looking at our star too. My dearest friend I will always keep Hope for you to see your smile in the heaven.

The End

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